Not happy with your current weight and body? You want to shed weight? You want to change your body to a better and healthier composition? You want to exercise but can't get yourself started? Find out what is blocking you!!! This awesome brand new technique will remove your limiting beliefs and find your blocks which are hindering you from successful weight management.
ThetaHealing students can utilize the techniques taught in this class to assist their clients in achieving Weight Rhythm as well!
This isn't just a weight loss class! It is finding real rhythm for your mind, body and spirit, while tapping into your inner beauty and love for your self through your own dreams and desires!
It also contains Vianna’s secrets to weight loss. It isn’t about who is the skinniest or most beautiful! It’s about being comfortable in your own body and finding inner peace and happiness through accepting who you are and embracing Gods will for you!
THETAHEALING® RHYTHM to a Perfect Weight:
Reclaim How Your True Higher-Self Manifests A Perfect Weight
Prerequisite: Basic & Advanced DNA Training, and Dig Deeper Workshop
Includes: ThetaHealing® RHYTHM Book and Certificate.
Investment: $262.50 (includes GST). Students can retake this class for $131.25 (includes GST). $288.75 (includes GST) for the instalment plan.
Register online or at Reception 204-223-8778 ~ 2071 Portage Ave.